Remember? Yes, I still remember her.
Regrets? Yes, I will always have regrets.
Go back? No! I would be afraid I’d mess up and not have as good of a collection of memories as I do now.
Painful? Of course they are painful. They can not be painful enough for my liking. The stronger the love and memories of it, the better. The more pain.
Worth? I wouldn’t sell my memories of her for a lifetime of doubling my money, land and holdings, each day for a hundred years.
Happiness? They give me ten times the happiness everyday for each instant of pain. That is a great return.
Feel fine? Why, they make me fell fine every time I visualize the picture she gave to me and how she wrote, “Love”, just before her name on the back of it.
Forever! I told her forever, and I meant what I said!
A. L. Shipman Jr.
Taken from a book I'm writing Called, THE KEYS.© 2011 A.L. Shipman, Jr. All Rights Reserved. Watermark template. Powered by Blogger.